Dr. Sklar’s Blog

healthy, happy african american man and woman

Yes, You Can Prevent Chronic Disease!

/ Health and Wellness
Science has shown us that lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management can help fight against aging and chronic disease.
olive oil cruet with olives on table

Is Eating Fat The Secret To Weight Loss?

/ Health and Wellness
Have you been searching for the secret? The secret diet, the secret pill, the secret ingredient that will make you healthy, feel great and lose weight? Well, the truth is there is not one magic secret that fits all.
Sunset over hills

The Great Protector: Vitamin D, Your Brain and Alzheimer’s

/ Health and Wellness
Hi, it’s Dr. Sklar with our tip of the week for your brain health and cognition–Vitamin D. Vitamin D protects the nerves in your brain against Alzheimer’s disease. One of the most important lab tests to know is your Vitamin D level.
Couple dancing

Dancing & Cognition

/ Health and Wellness
Little did I know when I sent out my blog last week about taking a hip hop class for fun that there actually is scientific evidence about the value of dance in preventing cognitive decline.
woman riding bike on secluded beach

Stress and Your Brain

/ Health and Wellness
This week, I want to talk to you about stress, because stress is one of the biggest factors in why we have brain decline. Stress is not some intangible kind of airy concept; it is a definite set of physiologic responses that end up killing your neurons (brain cells).
Beautiful bowl with eggs and avocado on rustic wood background

Eat Fat to Fight Fat

/ Health and Wellness
Summer is around the corner and it’s time to buckle down on our diets to lose those few winter pounds. So what do you do, reach for the fat! I know what you are thinking, did I just read to eat more fat to lose fat?
blond haired woman touching neck

Unresolved Thyroid Symptoms: Answers and Solutions

/ Health and Wellness
Women often think that they must have low thyroid function because of symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, dry hair, hair loss, brittle nails, constipation, and cold hands and feet.